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Měření profilu běhounů

Bezkontaktní inline měření profilu pásů běhounu (tloušťka <1 mm až 18 mm)

Profilometr série thicknessCONTROL.TTP přesně měří profil tloušťky běhounu nebo bočních stěn pneumatiky během procesu vytlačování a umožňuje tak efektivní měření během výroby a také kontrolu kvality.


  • Optimalizace využití materiálu a kvality
  • Rychlé ovládání během ohřevu nebo změny výrobku díky adaptivní rychlosti posuvu a vysoce dynamickému měření
  • Žádné další náklady z důvodu izotopů nebo rentgenových paprsků
  • Měření bez opotřebení na rozdíl od radiometrických testů
  • Snadná integrace do již existujících linek
  • Zákaznicky specifické rozhraní

Parametry materiálu:

  • Šířka materiálu do 2000 mm
  • Šířka pásu od 5mm do 550mm
  • Až 6 samostatných pásů
  • Dodávka materiálu do 60 m/min 


Systémy řady TTP jsou vybaveny optickými čidly a mají aplikační operátorský front-end, který poskytuje veškeré potřebné údaje týkající se organizace procesu vytlačování běhounu a bočních stěn. Systémy řady RTP lze použít jako nízkonákladové řešení.

The TCP 8301.I is based on the light intersection method. On each material side a line is projected crosswise on the measuring object via a laser light source. The profile is detected by a camera. The geometrical data are calculated from the distance of the cameras and the signals from the lower and upper material side. A long-term and temperature stability is achieved by an automated in-situ calibration.

Special features:

  • Accuracy thickness 60µm
  • Accuracy width 0.3mm
  • 40 profiles per second

The TCP 8301.ET is based on laser triangulation sensors and therefore ensures the measurement being independently from material constants. The system is designed as O-frame, both sensors detect the thickness according to the differential method. In order to ensure highest precision, the laser beams of the sensors are accurately adjusted during the production process using optoelectronic tools which have been specially developed. The system is ideal for monitoring high-dynamically processes due to its high measuring rate. The triangulation sensor applied on the upper side is combined with an eddy current sensor which monitors the distance of the two optical measuring sensors while allowing a software-technical compensation of temperature-induced changes of the measuring gap. Additionally, the compensation sensor is applied according to a special alignment with the measuring task in order to ensure both, a huge measuring gap and highest precision. The TCP 8301.ET is similarly to the TIP8301.ET regarding its functionality. However, they differ concerning the application- or process specific user interface and the corresponding analyses software.

Special features:

  • Accuracy thickness ±10µm
  • Accuracy width 0.2mm
  • Measuring rate to 20kHz

The TCP 8301.CT is based on laser triangulation sensors and therefore ensures the measurement being independently from material constants. The system is designed as O-frame, both sensors detect the thickness according to the differential method. In order to ensure highest precision, the laser beams of the sensors are accurately adjusted during the production process using optoelectronic tools which have been specially developed. The system is ideal for monitoring high-dynamically processes due to its high measuring rate. The O-frame mechanics of the system dispose of a compensation frame which does not vary with temperature and which is used in order to avoid temperature fluctuations of the measuring frame using further sensors. The TCP 8301.CT is similarly to the TIP8301.CT regarding its functionality. However, they differ concerning the application- or process specific user interface and the corresponding analyses software.

Special features:

  • Linearity thickness ±5µm
  • Accuracy width 0.3mm
  • Measuring rate to 20kHz

The RTP 8302.T is based on the laser triangulation sensors and therefore ensures the measurement being independently from material constants. In order to ensure highest precision, the laser beams of the sensors are accurately adjusted during the production process using optoelectronic tools which have been specially developed. The system is ideal for monitoring high-dynamically processes due to its high measuring rate. The C-frame mechanics of the system disposes of an automated in-situ calibration in order to avoid interferences caused by temperature.

Special features:

  • Linearity from ±5µm
  • Measuring ranges up to 20mm
  • Immersion depth from 50° to 1,000mm
  • Special sizes on request
  • Measuring rate to 20kHz

The RTP 8302.LLT is based on the laser line triangulation sensors and therefore ensures the measurement being independently from surface characteristics of the target material. Combined to point sensors, the system offers more precision in the case of gap width. The C-frame mechanics of the system disposes of an automated in-situ calibration in order to avoid interferences caused by temperature.

Special features:

  • Linearity ±10µm, 40mm measuring range
  • Gap width 300mm
  • Immersion depth from 50° to 1,000mm
  • Special sizes on request
  • Measuring rate to 2kHz
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